Flower Care: What to do on your Bouquets

Bouquet to Vase

  • Transfer your flowers to a vase with water. You can also add a few drops of bleach in your water solution (optional).
  • Change the water every other day and cut the stems in an angle. If the water is becoming slimy and yellowish at a quicker pace, change the water everyday.

Taking care of your Boxed Blooms

  • Pour water in your flower foam to keep your flowers hydrated.
  • Refrain from shaking and tilting to avoid water spills.

Other Notes

  • Keep them away from direct sunlight.
  • Avoid watering flowers directly to the petals as it can cause bruises, browning, or wrinkles.
  • Immediately remove petals as they fade to avoid affecting the rest of the flowers.
  • Depending on the type of flower and if taken care properly and stores in a proper environment. Your flowers can last up to 4-5 days.